TLP is a powerful power management utility for Linux. It helps conserve battery life on mobile Linux devices by taking advantage of various kernel features. It’s also super easy to add to a system and requires no extra configuration after installation. Though, it does expose quite a bit of configuration settings for those who want fine-grained control.


This tutorial will get Ubuntu and derivatives such as elementary OS setup with TLP. The instructions use the command-line and software-management utilities built into Ubuntu, so you should be familiar with these tools.

  1. Install the necessary package for easily adding PPA’s.

    sudo apt -y install software-properties-common
  2. Add the TLP PPA to your system to get the latest version of TLP.

    sudo apt-add-repository -uy ppa:linrunner/tlp
  3. Install TLP.

    sudo apt -y install tlp tlp-rdw
  4. TLP will start automatically at boot, but to start it now without rebooting, do so manually.

    sudo tlp start


That’s it. Really. If you want to tweak the settings, I recommend checking out the graphical user interface provided by TLPUI. You now know how to quickly configure better power-savings on your Linux devices.